Quick contact info

Makiga Engineering Services Ltd is a private sector company committed to offering low cost, eco friendly and durable construction using appropriate building technologies.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image Kenya Industrial Estates, Lokitaung Rd, Nairobi Kenya icon_widget_image +254 722 669 730 +254 721599866 icon_widget_image sales@makiga-engineering.com

Diesel Engine Stone Crusher

Main Specifications

Crushes 7-30 ton per hour depending on output size: i.e. ΒΌ inch ballast would be 7ton while 2 inch may be 20ton

Consumption of the unit is 1.6 Lit/hour

Engine capacity is 32 Horsepower/ 23 KW

Cost excludes transportation fees. We encourage the client to seek own means.

Weight of the unit is 3,200 Kg when assembled.

Max feed size is 250mmx400mm



Makiga will continue to capture the essence of life experience by offering unique opportunities and products to individuals & corporates.


We will remain the leader by continuing to help our customers meet their needs with durable and reliable equipment.

Award Winning

We demonstrated the highest degree of professionalism in this project that has resulted in a facility of enduring quality and excellence.


Green building is changing the way work is done in construction, Makiga is engaged in the development of Many eco-friendly products.

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